Sunday, November 27, 2011

Escoheag Trail, Arcadia

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Rule 1 of Leave No Trace: Plan Ahead and Prepare.

This rule is first for a variety of reasons. It highlights the intersection between protecting the environment and protecting yourself. Most people who get into trouble in the wilds do so because they do not plan ahead. A hiker in trouble does not concern themself with low impact camping. If there is anything I can impart on my young scouts, it is the importance of this rule.

I've faulted myself on occasion for being too prepared. I've gone on a two mile day hike with a medical kit, extra food, clothing, and water, flashlight, and gotten weird glances from fellow hikers carrying a half liter of water and a banana. So why do I bring this up? On a well planned cub scout hike, I forgot the book. Weekend Walks in Rhode Island somehow never made it back into my pack or the car.

Using my crappy work-issued blackberry, I manged to find direction to the trail head and took extra time to locate it. Once there, of course, I didn't have a trail map. We did things by committee. "Which way do you want to go?" Three cub scouts, two other parents, two siblings, and I made our way through the woods for a couple hours.

Due to my bad planning, we missed many of the highlights of the trail, most notably the Steppingstone falls, my favorite Arcadia feature. I can't help but see my misstep as a knock on my outdoors trail cred, but still, the boys, and the siblings (teenage girls) enjoyed themselves. I did better the next time. And I may add a photo or two once I find my camera's data cable.

How do you pronounce "Escoheag", anyhow?